Beta Blog & 3 Column Template
Ta-da! Here's a piccie of my new 3 column template. This is on my test blog at the moment but I will hopefully copy it into my other blogs after the weekend. "Isn't she pretty?", she said, shamelessly flaunting but definitely not gloating.As I am learning how to use blogger beta, I am keeping a record of how I did what etc... and I will be posting about this in the coming week or so.
If it will help at least one member of Knit1BlogToo to switch over to Beta with confidence and perhaps even get themselves the coveted 3 column template, then I'll be happy. (insert big cheesy grin here!)
So, if you want to check out the new layout, click on the screenshot and you'll be redirected. Oh, and if you run into any problems over there perhaps you could let me know? Thanks...Bernie
Happy Camping Folks!
Happy New Year to You and Yours.
This is what I have been waiting for. I can hardly wait for your instructions, I'm the dummmmmy. Thanks
Beta Blogger will still not me switch even though I have an invitation. My Beta test blog disappeared without explination and no one answers the help thing. Well at least the old blogger has been a little more stable recently.
You inspired me to try to go to Beta. I set up a test blog and it didn't work. I get a message on my dashboard that "were out of beta", go figure.
I guess I dawdled too long. ciao
Gee I was just getting to know the old one and now I am with Beta and it all widgits !!Sounds like you are way ahead ; I have set a 'play blog' to practize on but even that I have found has messed up my blog yikes . There really should be a blog for dummies and why oh why can't we customize it easier ? A Belated happy New Year to you and yours
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